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Uncovering the Universal Potential of Childhood VII.
Online Montessori Conference
January 29 – February 4, 2024
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The Comprehensive Online Course by Montessori Parenting will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of Montessori via video lessons. It will explain the curriculum and the materials that children use in Montessori classrooms. It will also give you ideas on how to make educational materials at home.
The Comprehensive Online Course by Montessori Parenting will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of Montessori via video lessons. It will explain the curriculum and the materials that children use in Montessori classrooms. It will also give you ideas on how to make educational materials at home.
You help us help!
We have always pledged to donate part of the profits from the conferences and courses to help Montessori schools who take care of children in less advantaged parts of the world. With deep respect and love, we are proud to present to you projects we have chosen to support!