Program and speakers

Conference lectures will be streamed online over the course of five days, on 29 January – 2 February, 2024, free to all attendees. Premium pass holders can have access to all conference lectures at any time during and after the conference.

Pre-conference LiveTalk Sessions 

Let's warm up a bit and enjoy some time together even during the week before the conference! 
These pre-party sessions are designed as presentations with Q&A sessions, to answer your most burning questions and cut the waiting for our conference week!

Live Lecture + Q&A
22 January
6.00pm CET/9am PST

Tim Seldin

How to Raise an Amazing Child: Navigating Montessori at Home

Live Lecture + Q&A

23 January

9:00pm CET/noon PST

Sylvia Arotin

Exploring the Foundations of Montessori

Live Lecture + Q&A
25 January
6.00pm CET/9am PST

Simone Davies

The Art of Observation: Selecting the Perfect Activities for Your Child

Monday 29 January, 2024

Montessori Foundations

Dive into the rich world of Montessori theory, philosophy, and principles, and unravel the intricacies of early childhood development. This day is tailored for those eager to understand the scientific underpinnings of Montessori education. Whether you're a new enthusiast or a seasoned practitioner, this day will deepen your appreciation and understanding of the Montessori method.

Live Lecture + Q&A 6.00pm CET/9am PST

Mariana Bissonnette

Montessori vs. Conventional Education: How Montessori's Non-Punitive Method Works & Why We Love It

Maren Schmidt

Building Brains the Montessori Way

Sarah R. Moore

How children learn best

Lynda Apostol

The Human Tendencies: a framework for Montessori Assessment

Pamela Shanks

Grace and Courtesy: The Key to Normalized Behavior

Yogi Patel

Nurturing Harmony: The Power of Montessori, Adlerian, and Positive Discipline in Routines and Order

Haley Turner

Montessori’s 10 Commandments

Anya Garcia

Unveiling the Magic of the Absorbent Mind & seizing golden age opportunities from birth till age 6

 Jorge Beira

Humans & The Science behind Montessori

Mary Ellen Maunz

The Universality of Montessori

Pamela Green

Is There a Difference Between Guidance and Teaching, and How Might We Know?

Tuesday 30 January, 2024

Prepared Environment & Activities

Discover how to create nurturing, stimulating environments both in the classroom and at home, and learn about a variety of activities that align with Montessori principles. This session will guide you through curriculum topics and practical ways to extend learning outside the traditional classroom setting. It's an invaluable resource for parents and educators striving to provide a holistic, enriching learning experience for young children, blending theory with practical, real-world application.

Live Lecture + Q&A 5pm CET

Val Alino

Unlearn to learn: 
The pathway to conscious teaching! 

Paul Epstein

Work needs play

Susan Tracy McDaniel

Age-appropriate Responsibilities - Allowing your child to contribute to home and family life

 Spencer Russell

How parents can support their child’s reading at home while making it fun

Zil Jaeger

 Foundational Literacy Practices for the 3-6 Classroom

Emese Szanyi

Use your home environment to prevent and deal with tantrums

Heather Pratt White

The Power of Storytelling

Kiran Paek

Meeting the needs of neurodivergent children with a strategic individualized lesson plan

Katherine Sullivan

Cribs and Floor Beds: Looking at Early Sleep Environments through a Montessori Lens

Madhuri Prasad

Routine around mealtime

Miriam Magre Loren

The Magic of Reading in a Montessori Setting

Aleta Ledendecker

Using Puppets to Enhance Grace and Courtesy

Wednesday 31 January, 2024

The Prepared Adult

Understand the critical role of adults in the Montessori setting. Engage in introspective discussions about personal growth, continuous education, and self-care. Discover strategies for self-reflection and well-being that not only enhance your effectiveness as an educator or parent but also enrich your personal journey. This day is a reminder that the journey of teaching is also a journey of self-discovery and personal development.

Live Lecture + Q&A 5pm CET

Laurent Lavollay-Porter

A 360-Degree Approach to Working With and Raising Young Children

Amy Williams

Help! My Students Are Losing it (and So Am I)! How We Get in Our Own Way

Julia Volkman

Stress, Resilience, and Learning

Luz Casquejo Johnson

Transformation of the Parent: Montessori Ideals at Home

Paula Zhou

The prepared adult: A different kind of observation

Cristina Sanz Ferrero M.A.

Cristina Sanz Ferrero

Knowing yourself and what you need to meet the child’s real needs with Adlerian self-knowledge

Eder Cuevas Iturralde

The adult that the adolescent needs

Gabriela Trejo

The development process that parents experience in a Montessori school

Charlotte Awdry

Embodied Parenting - Understanding of self

Katelynn Chittenden Johnson

10 Steps to effective parent education - a guide for teachers and administrators of parent-child programs  and schools

Laura Froyen

Preparing the Adult through Inner Child Work

Thursday 1 February, 2024

Communication and Discipline

This day emphasizes the importance of social-emotional development, offering fresh perspectives on positive discipline and strategies to strengthen the child-adult connection. Delve into practical approaches for addressing challenging behaviors, and learn how to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding. This day is crucial for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills and develop a more harmonious and effective relationship with children.

Live Lecture + Q&A 8pm CET

Jeanne-Marie Paynel

Family Meetings Made Simple: Building Peaceful Homes Together

Chip DeLorenzo

Reclaiming Self-Regulation in the Montessori Classroom

Dona Matthews

How to Build a Relationship with Your Child to Weather Any Storm 

Flora McCormick

5 Ways to Avoid Power Struggles with strong-willed children.

Shamiemah Jassiem

Rewards & Punishments: Why there is no place for it in a Montessori Classroom

Michelle Tovar

Less Yelling, More Connecting - 5 Shifts to Transform your Parenting

Letty Rising

Language of Reverence: Exploring the Power of Language 

Séverine Schlayen

Why and how cultivating autonomy and independence upholds a child's dignity

Amorette French

Montessori and Autism: Answering Your Questions

Elizabeth Slade

Language of Reverence: Exploring the Power of Language 

Shruti Kumar

Compassionate Discipline

Gabrielle Kotkov

Frequently Asked Questions About Multilingualism

Sinem Degerli

Positive discipline in a Montessori Classroom

Iñaki Llamas

Focus on What's Strong & Not What's Wrong

Kit Malvar Llamas

Focus on What's Strong & Not What's Wrong

Friday 2 February, 2024

Empowering Communities and Looking Forward

Explore the dynamics of team collaboration in classrooms and schools, and discover innovative strategies for effective parent-teacher partnerships. This day also casts an eye to the future, discussing innovations and future trajectories in Montessori education. It's a day of inspiration and forward-thinking, perfect for those committed to shaping a better, more connected educational world for our children.

Live Q&A Session:
8pm CET

Charlotte Snyder

Ask me anything:
Live Q&A Session with your questions! 

Gavin McCormack

Trust in Education: Empowering the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Through Montessori Principles

Dr. Joyce Pickering 

Never Too Soon: Early Identification of Learning Differences

Ashley Causey-Golden

Beyond the Shelf: Creating Peace Education for the Whole Child

Barbara Murphy

The Joy of Montessori: Exploring Happiness through Meaningful Connections

Amy Cushner

Never Too Soon: Early Identification of Learning Differences

Rodrigo Núñez

Understanding dementia under Montessori’s approach

Alejandra Rosas

Fostering your child’s cognitive development 

Kayla Tychsen

Montessori for the Marginalized

Katie Brown

What Families Need to Know about Public Montessori

Teri Canaday Freeman

Discovering Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Kasia Ustowska-Gmerek

Dancing Towards Peace: The Montessori Perspective

Kei Ikeda

Dancing Towards Peace: The Montessori Perspective

Hi, I’m Lucie.

I'm your Host at the Childhood Potential Conference. As a founder of, mother of three and stepmom of two, my journey has been deeply rooted in the Montessori philosophy. My passion has led me from opening schools in Kenya and Guinea to creating the online Childhood Potential Club, all with the mission to make Montessori education accessible, affordable, and impactful for parents and educators everywhere.

I'm happy you are here and I can't wait to hear your feedback and thougts!