It’s arrived! The book we’ve all been needing!!!
Paula Lillard Preschlack
The Montessori Potential
On February 7th, we celebrated the launch of The Montessori Potential with Paula, who answered many amazing questions about Montessori.

12pm EDT
9am PDT
About the session
The Montessori Potential, a book launch and a Montessori Q&A session, was hosted by respected Montessorian Paula Lillard Preschlack.
During the session we celebrated the launch of Paula's book, The Montessori Potential: How to Foster Independence, Respect, and Joy in Every Child. The book was released on February 7!
Our session was completely based on your questions! You asked Paula about her new book and many amazing questions about Montessori in general!

Would you like to order the book? Interested in school discounts? Would you like to translate the book?
Please download the PDF file which will guide you through the details including ordering, group orders, inquiries for translations, how can you learn more about the book and more!

A bit more about Paula...
Paula pours her Montessori heart into speaking and writing. She has authored an upcoming book, titled The Montessori Potential: How to Foster Independence, Respect, and Joy in Every Child.
She also consistently writes to educate about Montessori through blogs for parents and educators on her school’s website.
Paula loves to connect with families and especially loves to help to spread the word about the amazing benefits of Montessori education. She has experience observing children from birth to adulthood through her 25 years of teaching and leading a Montessori school community.
She is trained and certified by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) at the Assistant to Infancy, Primary and Elementary levels. She also audited the Adolescent Orientation with the North American Teachers Association (NAMTA).
For 25 years, Paula taught children between the ages of 1-14 and served as Head of School at Forest Bluff School in Lake Bluff, Illinois.
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